Røros Flyservice – your ground handling partner at Røros Airport (RRS/ENRO).

We know that there is a large machinery behind each and every departure. Every single day, every, departure – everything must be operative for the travelers and the airlines. Over the years, we have dealt with both large and small aircraft carriers.

Our services:

Check in and boarding
Baggage and cargo handling
Arrival service / Lost and found
Ground Power Units
Toilet service / cleaning
Hotel, transport and catering services for crew and passengers
Supervision and administration

We have many decades of experience with all the above mentioned services. We are used to both private and commercial flights.

Join our account at Facebook Røros Flyservice

Please contact us for further information

You can reach us by phone +47 72413900 or by e-mail at rrs@rfly.no. Company frequency: 131.925

Station Manager: Bjørn Klevahaugen, phone +47 90942071 or e-mail bk@rfly.no


Foto: Ida Døhl